
Slayer Armenians Reveal Their Turk-Killing Ways

Slayer Armenians Reveal Their Turk-Killing Ways

Let's take a look at the ferocity of Armenians... in the words of Armenians. (Along with Russians, and others.)

Perhaps subconsciously, "Human Rights Champion"Peter Balakian was thinking of his own people, when he uttered these following words. 

An Armenian Officer Reveals All in "MEN ARE LIKE THAT"

Men Are Like That 

Ramsden Hartill

The Bobbs-Merrill Companv, Indianapolis (1926).

[Memoirs of an Armenian officer who participated in the Armenian massacres of Turks]

Ohanus Appressian

page 20 (second paragraph)
"Our men armed themselves, gathered together and advanced on the Tartar section of the village. There were no lights in the houses and the doors were barred, for the Tartars suspected what was to happen and were in great fear. Our men hammered on the doors, but got no response; whereupon they smashed in the doors and began a carnage that continued until the last Tartar was slain. Throughout the hideous night, I cowered at home in terror, unable to shut my ears to the piercing screams of the helpless victims and the loud shouts of our men. By morning the work was finished."


page 15 (second paragraph)

"The Tartars [Muslims] were, for the most part, poor. Some of them
lived in villages and cultivated small farms; many of them continued
in the way of life of their nomadic forefathers. They drove their
flocks and herds from valley to valley, from plain to mountain, and
from mountain to plain, following the pasturage as it changed with
the seasons. They ranged from the salt desert shores of the Caspian Sea far into the mighty Caucasus Mountains. Even the village Tartars are a primitive people, only semi-civilized.

I can see now that we Armenians frankly despised the Tartars, and,
while holding a disproportionate share of the wealth of the country,
regarded and treated them as inferiors."

page 202
"We closed the roads and mountain passes that might
serve as ways of escape for the Tartars and then
proceeded in the work of extermination. Our troops
surrounded village after village. Little resistance
was offered. Our artillery knocked the huts into heaps
of stone and dust and when the villages became
untenable and inhabitants fled from them into fields,
bullets and bayonets completed the work. Some of the
Tartars escaped of course. They found refuge in the
mountains or succeeded in crossing the border into
Turkey. The rest were killed. And so it is that the
whole length of the borderland of Russian Armenia from
Nakhitchevan to Akhalkalaki from the hot plains of
Ararat to the cold mountain plateau of the North were
dotted with mute mournful ruins of Tartar villages.
They are quiet now, those villages, except for howling
of wolves and jackals that visit them to paw over the
scattered bones of the dead."


p. 203 (second paragraph)

"One evening I passed through what had been a Tartar village. Among the ruins a fire was burning. I went to the fire and saw seated about it a group of soldiers. Among them were two Tartar girls, mere children. The girls were crouched on the ground, crying softly with suppressed sobs. Lying scattered over the ground were broken household utensils and other furnishings of Tartar peasant homes. There were also bodies of the Muslim dead."


p. 204 (first paragraph)

"I was soon asleep. In the night I was awakened by the persistent crying of a child. I arose and went to investigate. A full moon enabled me to make my way about and revealed to me all the wreck and litter of the tragedy that had been enacted. Guided by the child's crying, I entered the yard of a house, which I judged from its appearance must have been the home of a Muslim family. There in a corner of the yard I found a women dead. Her throat had been cut. Lying on her breast was a small child, a girl about a year old."

Page 218 (first and second paragraphs)
"We Armenians did not spare the Muslims. If persisted in, the slaughtering of Tartars, the looting, and the rape and massacre of the helpless become commonplace actions expected and accepted as a matter of course.

I have been on the scenes of massacres where the dead lay on the ground, in numbers, like the fallen leaves in a forest. Muslims had been as helpless and as defenseless as sheep. They had not died as soldiers die in the heat of battle, fired with ardor and courage, with weapons in their hands, and exchanging blow for blow. They had died as the helpless must, with their hearts and brains bursting with horror worse than death itself."

p. 109 (second paragraph).
"The method of execution was for an Armenian government 'mauserist' to walk up behind the condemned Muslim in his home or on the Street, place a pistol to the back of his head and blow out his brains. This simple way of getting rid of those who were undesirable in the view of the Armenian government and soon became a common way of paying debts."

Armenian guerillas

Armenian guerillas

 From the Foreword:
"For example, we were camped one night in a half-ruined Tartar mosque, the most habitable building of a destroyed village, near the border of Persia and Russian Armenia. During the course of evening I asked Ohanus if he could tell me anything of the history of the village and the cause of its destruction. In his matter of fact way he replied, Yes, I assisted in its sack and destruction, and witnessed the slaying of those whose bones you saw today  scattered among its ruins.'

The following are comments by Professor Davras Yavuz of The Hague, Holland (From a 12-1-97 letter in The Turkish Times); he says: 

"...Some Armenian organizations have had systematic campaigns to destroy every copy they could find for many years and very few remain."

Holdwater adds: I can see why! One of the Armenians' own completely smashed their "Myth of Innocence."

"The book contains pages of many more such accounts, clearly indicating the terrible massacres the Armenian Government (with the collusion of many of the populace, of course) perpetrated. Subsequently the Ottoman forces busy in North Africa trying to defend their last bits of territory were withdrawn and sent to Eastern Turkey to claim back the Ottoman territories taken by the Armenians through the massacre of about 2.5 million Muslims (many Tartars, Kurds)."

(Holdwater believes around a fifth of that number were massacred by Armenians, with the help of Russians. Here is a better accounting of "Men Are Like That.")

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