
the Armenians come as close to being a single-willed monolith as a people can muster.

 Is that IT?

Well, don't blame me! Keep in mind the Armenians come as close to being a single-willed monolith as a people can muster. There are few instances where they have let their guard down and personally admitted to their brutalities. (Since their entire M.O. has been to commit the crimes, and then cry to the West that they have been victimized, after the counter-measures finally follow.) Many of these original sources that go against the Armenians' entire raison d'etre (that is, "genocide.com")... such as The 1923 Manifesto of Hovhannes Katchaznouni, Armenia's First Prime Minister...have been picked off the shelves of libraries and bookstores by the Diaspora faithful, in an effort to erase the critical evidence by their own against them.

So why don't I do what Armenian web sites do when they provide "evidence" prepared by Armenians... and similarly provide reports written by Turks? I've largely avoided doing so, because I realize the impartial observer will question the credibility of the accused. (Not to mention the many brainwashed partial observers, but these sad souls are usually beyond redemption.) I invite you to scour this web site... you will find plenty of testimony by Westerners who DON'T have reason to love the Turks and who HAVE provided testimony to the atrocities performed by the Armenians.

Don't forget this following report written by an Orthodox brother, Russian officer Lt. Col. Twerdokhleboff... who kept a diary between 1917 and 1918, on the inhuman actions of the Armenians. Below, you'll find eyewitness reports of two other Russians I've taken from the same page. (And when I say "eyewitness," they were most certainly "eyewitnesses"... unlike the bulk of missionaries and American consuls who are often falsely termed as "eyewitnesses.")

The Armenian committee member (Mardo), Tigris from Diarbekir, posing in front of the Turkish villager they killed.

This photo is said to be of the Armenian committee member (Mardo?), along with "Tigris" from Diabekir, proudly posing in front of the Turkish villager they killed. (From the documentary, "Sari Gelin.")

Fortunately ("Fortunately"?? What am I saying?), the bloodthirstiness and massacring of the innocent that is common to Armenians was displayed in recent history, when the Armenians pulled a sneak, cowardly attack on neighbor Azerbaijan during the early 1990s. Here is only a portion ofWestern media reports on the atrocious way in which Armenian soldiers handled themselves. Not to mention their actions duringWorld War II, when their job mostly became (having proven themselves as poor soldiers at the front) that of doing what they do best: persecuting the innocent, primarily (in this case) the Jews.

Granted, such criminality does not prove Armenians acted similarly during the First World War... but they lend significant further evidence as to what might have happened, because the essential nature of a people does not change. Contrast the Armenians with the impeccable way Turkish soldiers behaved since the World War I era. (In Korea, for example, admiring Chinese prisoners would say... in the only English they had learned... "Turkish soldiers Number One!"


Holdwater: Keep in mind these Russians were most likely not Turk-lovers and had no other agenda, like missionaries and "Christian" American consuls; they were simply telling the truth.

"More than 800 unarmed, defenseless Turks were murdered. The Armenians had dug gigantic trenches into which the poor Turks were thrown after being slaughtered, like a herd of cattle. An Armenian who directed the execution counted the unhappy victims.  'That's seventy,' he roared, 'there (is) still room for ten more; hack away! ' And another ten wretches were slaughtered to fill up the gap, which was then filled in with a little earth. The army contractor wanted to provide a little diversion for his own benefit. He locked into a house eighty wretched victims, and then had them let out one after another while he smashed in their skulls with his own hand."

Commander-in-Chief, Odichelidze, who also reported that in the village of Ilidja all Turks who were unable to escape were massacred; he saw numbers of corpses of children whose heads had been hacked off with blunt axes.

This same officer, identified as "Russian General L. Odishe Liyetze" is reported to have written in his diary: "On the nights 11-12 March alone Armenian butchers bayoneted and axed to death Muslim people in areas surrounding Erzincan. These barbarians threw their victims into pits, most likely dug according to their sinister plans to extinguish Muslims, in groups of 80. My adjutant counted and unearthed 200 such pits. This is an act against our world of civilization."

...Lieutenant-Colonel Griaznoff (spelled "Griyaznof," elsewhere), who returned from Ilidja on the 28th February, 1918, three weeks after the slaughter, related what he had seen:

" In the courtyard of the mosque the corpses lay heaped to a depth of two lance-lengths. There were bodies of men, women, children, old people, people of every age."
"On the (of) 27th February, the Armenians crucified a Turkish woman-still alive — on a wall after tearing out her heart; she was hung head downwards."

(The source for these are unknown, but I came across them in two separate areas, translated by two separate parties, with the name spellings differing... but the messages were exactly the same, even if the words did not exactly match. It's possible the top quote ["More than 800..."] is from Griaznoff/Griyaznof, and not the general.)


A presumed Russian source:

"The killings were organized by the doctors and the employers, and
the act of killing was committed solely by the Armenian Army. More than eighty thousand unarmed and defenceless Muslims have been massacred in Erzincan and Erzurum. Large holes were dug and the defenceless Muslims were slaughtered like animals next to the holes. Later, the murdered Muslims were thrown into the holes. The Armenian who stood near the hole would say when the hole was filled with the corpses: 'Seventy dead bodies, well, this hole can take ten more.' Thus ten more Muslims would be cut into pieces, thrown into the hole, and when the hole was full it would be covered over with soil.

The Armenians responsible for the act of murdering would frequently fill a house with eighty Muslims, and cut their heads off one by one. Following the Erzincan massacre, the Armenians began to withdraw towards Erzurum... The Armenian Army among those who withdrew to Erzurum from Erzincan raided the Moslem villages on the road, and destroyed the entire population, together with the villages."

Dr. Azmi Suslu, Russian View on the Genocide Committed by
the Armenians Against the Muslims,
 1987, pp. 45-53.



Yakovlev Report

"The reports received by the First Caucasian Army Commander reveals that some Armenian rebels active in the region have gone to cities and settlements and established themselves at households there. They refuse to abide by the orders of the castle commander. The undisciplined and immoral doings of these teams have reached such an extent that they are subjecting the civilians to violence."

Colonel Yakovlev, Jan. 29, 1915, in a National Communist Party Central Committee report, Classified/Archive/348;note the pre-"April 24" date.


Prof. Kallerya Bellova

Prof. Kallerya Bellova


Following the takeover of Van, local Turks were killed... Russian commanders witnessed incidents of rape, robbery and murder there. Documents pertaining to these are available at the History of War Museum.

Prof. Kallerya Bellova,Moscow State University



"When the Armenian volunteers taking the stolen spoils, the Russian soldiers trying to hinder them was shot by the Armenians. Moreover, the volunteers are plundering continuously and find pleasure in any kind of committing murder. In order (to) end these murders, a Council of War was established in Van. In addition, to prevent these crimes, it was deemed necessary to form the unities of discipline."


Thanks: Turkses.com

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