
LALAYAN, According to Yavuz, was One of the Architects of the Armenians' Campaign to Systematically Kill Off Their Muslim Neighbors

 LALAYAN, According to Yavuz, was One of the Architects of the Armenians' Campaign to Systematically Kill Off Their Muslim Neighbors

"I killed Muslims by every means possible. Yet it is sometimes a pity to waste bullets for this. The best way is to gather all of these dogs and throw them into wells and then fill the wells with big and heavy stones. as I did. I gathered all of the women. men and children, threw big stones down on top of them. They must never live on this earth."

A. Lalayan, Revolutsionniy Vostok (Revolutionary East) No: 2-3, Moscow, 1936.
(ADDENDUM, 05-06: Poor Lalaian, who has been libeled here and in so many other places, was a Soviet-Armenian historian! The words refer to an unnamed crazy killer Dashnak officer who was proud of his murderous misdeeds. Here is another translation of the above statement. Sorry, Comrade Lalaian!)

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